
Tuesday 27 April 2010

Why personalised gifts mean so much more.

I went to a meeting with my accountant yesterday. He works for one of the biggest accounting firms in the world.

While we were talking about our unique employee rewards he started talking about what the firm he works for gives for long service awards...

A plaque.

With their name on it - number of years in service and - er, that's it.

not very impressive...

The fact is that INDIVIDUALS work for you. INDIVIDUALS are your employees and INDVIDUALS spend their lives making your company the success that it is.

So why on earth would you give them something standard, unpersonalised (and most likely ugly) when they leave.

Don't you want them to put it up on their walls, be proud of them?

Anyway - I think my accountant said it best.

"People looked at it, and said - Oh god, I spent 10 years of my life here - for this."

If you want a real employee reward go to and reward differently.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Don't worry, we have just the thing...

It’s that age-old problem: a much-loved work colleague is leaving – you’ve organised the party and gone round with the hat. Now, what to buy?

dIndividual has just the thing: a unique product that frames the colleague’s entire work history – from selling sweets at school right through to managing high-powered teams of professionals.

It’s called The Reward – a colourful, exclusive collage of highlights from a lifetime of achievement.

“The Reward acknowledges that all employees are different and that success comes in different forms for different people,” said Gal Katzav, dIndividual’s Chief Executive [?]. “It celebrates that part of their lives that is unique to them – their journey.”

Colleagues confidentially provide the raw material, and dIndividual does the rest, weaving the information into a montage of photos, graphics and text. It’s then professionally framed, ready to be presented.

It’s the perfect way to say thank you, good luck for the future, you’ll be missed.

dIndividual also provides a service for other momentous events, such as weddings and birthdays.

For more information: and
employee rewards

Saturday 24 April 2010

Employee Rewards, Rewarding Differently.

Press Release for our launch of employee rewards :

dIndividual have launched an innovative new product celebrating an employee's entire career. The Reward is a framed print illustrating that career from the very beginning, whenever that may be, from selling sweets to the other students at school or writing for the university paper at 21, to managing a team, creating a product, heading up a successful division.

"We wanted to create a product that celebrated an employee's achievements both at work and at home, and offered businesses a branded print that will continue to market their brand within the workplace, for years to come, and in the most personal of ways.”

Illustrating employees’ successes is a great new way to show the value of their hard work. By encouraging employees to achieve more and add to what essentially becomes their story, The Reward acts as an excellent motivator and incentive. Proud employees can hang their own Reward where others will see it, encouraging others to aim for one of their own. Because the print showcases the work and achievements of the employee within company, it emphasises the company itself as both successful and rewarding.

The Reward acknowledges that all employees are individuals, and that success comes in different forms for different people. We celebrate the parts of their lives that that are unique to them – their own journey.